Wow! Kreasi Cuddle Doll Making Class
The Cuddle Doll Sewing Class is a hands-on learning session …
What you'll learn
1. Pattern Preparation, Marking, and Cutting
2. Doll Sewing Process
3. Fiber Insertion Process
4. The Process of Making Sewn Stitches
5. The Process of Sewing Cuddle Doll Eyes and Mouth
Wow! Kreasi Rabbit Doll Making Class
The Rabbit Doll Sewing Class is a hands-on learning session …
What you'll learn
1. Pattern Preparation, Marking, and Cutting
2. Doll Sewing Process
3. Fiber Insertion Process
4. The Process of Making Sewn Stitches
5. The Process of Sewing Rabbit Doll Eyes, Nose, and Whiskers
Wow! Kreasi Swan Doll Making Class
The Swan Doll Sewing Class is a hands-on learning session …
What you'll learn
1. Pattern Preparation, Marking, and Cutting
2. Doll Sewing Process
3. Fiber Insertion Process
4. The Process of Making Sewn Stitches
5. The Process of Sewing Swan Doll Eyes
Wow! Kreasi Whale Doll Making Class
The Kreasi Whale Doll Making Class is a hands-on learning …
What you'll learn
1. Pattern Preparation, Marking, and Cutting
2. Doll Sewing Process
3. Fiber Insertion Process
4. The Process of Making Sewn Stitches
5. The Process of Sewing Whale Eyes and Fins
Wow! Kreasi Elephant Doll Making Class
The Wow! Kreasi Elephant Doll Making Class is a hands-on …
What you'll learn
1. Pattern Preparation, Marking, and Cutting
2. Doll Sewing Process
3. Fiber Insertion Process
4. The Process of Making Sewn Stitches
5. The Process of Sewing Elephant Doll Eyes and Ears
Wow! Kreasi Cat Doll Making Class
The Wow! Kreasi Cat Doll Making Class is a hands-on …
What you'll learn
1. Pattern Preparation, Marking, and Cutting
2. Doll Sewing Process
3. Fiber Insertion Process
4. The Process of Making Sewn Stitches
5. The Process of Sewing Cat Eyes, Nose and Whiskers
Wow! Terampil Mampu Menjahit SEMUDAH ABC (Bahagian I)
Wow! Terampil Mampu Menjahit SEMUDAH ABC (Bahagian I). As experienced …
What you'll learn
Belajar mengenali mesin jahit dan fungsi
Belajar memasang mesin jahit dengan betul
Belajar memasang benang pada gelendong benang
Mengenali alat asas jahitan
Tips dan rahsia dalam jahitan
Wow! Terampil Mampu Mengenali Tapak Mesin Jahit (Bahagian II)
Wow! Terampil Mampu Mengenali Tapak Mesin Jahit (Bahagian II). In …
What you'll learn
Belajar mengenali dan fungsi
Tapak mesin jahit portable.
Belajar mengenali dan fungsi tapak mesin jahit industri.
Wow! Terampil Mampu Mula Belajar Menjahit Dengan Mudah (Bahagian III)
Wow! Terampil Mampu Mula Belajar Menjahit Dengan Mudah (Bahagian III). …
What you'll learn
Belajar Menjahit jahitan Lurus
Belajar menjahit jahitan zigzag
Belajar Menjahit jahitan melengkung
Belajar menjahit jahitan sudut petak
Belajar menjahit jahitan lingkaran bulatan