Wow! Terampil Mampu Mula Belajar Menjahit Dengan Mudah (Bahagian III)
Course Prerequisites
- Please note that this course has the following prerequisites which must be completed before it can be accessed
Wow! Terampil Mampu Menjahit SEMUDAH ABC (Bahagian I)
Wow! Terampil Mampu Mengenali Tapak Mesin Jahit (Bahagian II)
Rakan KREASI B40 Community
About This Course
Wow! Terampil Mampu Mula Belajar Menjahit Dengan Mudah (Bahagian III). Controlling the sewing machine is crucial when sewing. If our control is not correct, we will encounter many problems, such as broken needles and thread breakage during sewing.
Moreover, our stitches will not be neat, and the garments we sew will not look good.
You may start to lose confidence in learning to sew. Stay calm—this Wow! Terampil Mampu Mula Belajar Menjahit Dengan Mudah (Bahagian III) class we offer will make you smile widely. Yes, in this course, you will learn to sew and control your stitches while sewing. You will be trained step by step with the sewing templates we provide. Among the things you will learn are:
- How to control sewing straight stitches
- How to control sewing zigzag stitches
- How to control sewing curved stitches
- How to control sewing square corner stitches
- How to control sewing circular stitches
Learning Objectives
- Mesin jahit
- Benang jahitan
- Gunting
- Sewing template myterampil
Target Audience
- Sesuai untuk mereka yang mula belajar menjahit
Menjahit Garis Lurus
Template Jahitan dan Hasil Jahitan Anda
Menjahit Curve 1
Menjahit Pivoting Dan Connecting Corner
Menjahit Curve 2
Menjahit Zig Zag
Certificate of Participation Provided
Join the class and get a certificate of participation online