Kurung Kedah History
Sejarah Kurung Kedah
Baju Kurung Kedah sememangnya digemari ramai wanita di Malaysia serta negera-negara jiran seperti Indonesia, Singapuran dan Brunei. Pada zaman moden ini, baju Kurung Kedah sering kali dilihat pada waktu perayaan, upacara, majlis dan sebagainya. Baju Kurung Kedah ini merupakan salah satu warisan tradisional yang ditinggalkan generasi dahulu sejak berzaman.
The origin of this traditional Kedah dress is believed to come from Southern Thailand because the state of Kedah is located on the border with Thailand. This Kedah fashion was first introduced by the Sultanah of Kedah, namely Wan Hajar Wan Ismail or better known as Mak Wan Besar. This dress is especially for the noble class and the big people of the palace only but over time this dress is made into a daily dress. This is because it has a short and loose cut and is very suitable for daily wear. Women, especially the elderly, prefer to wear this type of Baju Kurung because it is easy and comfortable to wear.
Ciri-ciri Baju Kurung Kedah
Baju Kurung in Kedah uses “cita” cloth or cotton with small flowers on transparent and hard thin gauze. The Kurung Kedah basically looks like a Baju Kurung Johor but this dress does not have “kekek” and “pesak”. This Baju Kurung can be described as everyday clothes such as wet clothes, clothes for working in the fields and so on. This dress has a short hem cut to the back level and is very suitable to be worn with “batik” fabric or “pelikat” fabric. The cut in the sleeves is also short and has a measurement of three quarters of the arm and the width of the hand is wider than other baju kurung. The neck of this baju kurung is round and slightly open in the front without buttons.
Gadis Jelita, Jejaka Tampan,
Molek Sungguh Disatukan,
Ini Hari Munculnya Jawapan,
Syukran, Atas Kalian Punya Kesetiaan.