
CWS Fuzzy Flower Bouquet #250425


Join our 1-day Fuzzy Flower Bouquet Workshop at RuangKREASI. Learn to create various fuzzy wire flowers and assemble a beautiful bouquet with provided materials.

Express your creativity and craft a unique floral bouquet. Book your spot today!

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Fuzzy Flower Bouquet Workshop at RuangKREASI, Shah Alam

Explore the art of fuzzy wire flowers at our 1-day Fuzzy Flower Bouquet Workshop at RuangKREASI, Shah Alam! Learn to create various types of beautiful fuzzy flowers and assemble them into a stunning bouquet. Our expert instructors will guide you through the process, and all materials are provided.

Workshop Details:

Duration: 1 day
Cost: RM150.00
Location: RuangKREASI, Shah Alam
Materials: Provided

Unleash your creativity and craft a unique fuzzy flower bouquet. Book your spot now and bring your floral vision to life!


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