History of Traditional Malay Clothing
History of Traditional Malay Clothing
Baju Tradisional Melayu encompasses the traditional clothes of the Malays, including Baju Melayu and Baju Kurung. Additionally, this attire features Baju Kebaya, Celana, Kain Sarung, Samping, and Shawls. People wear these garments on various occasions, showcasing their rich cultural heritage. Each piece of clothing holds significant historical and cultural value. These garments reflect the diverse influences that have shaped Malay fashion over the centuries.
The history of Malay clothing begins with the Malays already possessing the skill to make clothes from bark, as evidenced by stone findings. Experts believe that they used application stones to punch bark, making it soft and thin enough to use as fabric for shirts. This ingenuity highlights the resourcefulness and creativity of the early Malays.
Malay Clothing has Evolve
Over time, Malays have evolved their clothing in response to current developments and the influence of Indian, Chinese, Arab, and European traders. They have processed and combined elements of civilization from the East and West, creating a diverse, beautiful, and unique culture. Men continue to wear popular clothing such as Baju Melayu. Women embrace Baju Kurung, Baju Kebaya Panjang, Baju Kebaya Pendek, Baju Kurung Kedah, and Baju Pahang. Additionally, classic attire such as Puteri Perak, Cik Siti Wan Kembang, Baju Menora, and Baju Minangkabau continues to hold cultural significance.
For the Malays, clothes play an important role as something valuable and highly praised. Therefore, many expressions use the term ‘used cloth’ to describe a person’s value. For example, the expression ‘if the cloth is worn badly, the character of the person is bad’ reflects the importance of Baju Tradisional Melayu in their culture. This highlights the deep connection between clothing and personal character in Malay society.
In conclusion, Baju Tradisional Melayu represents the rich cultural heritage and evolving fashion history of the Malay people. The diversity in traditional clothing reflects the various influences and innovations that have shaped Malay attire over time. As these garments continue to be cherished and worn, they serve as a reminder of the Malays’ cultural identity. They also highlight the importance of preserving their unique traditions for future generations.
Alangkah leganya apabila segala kesulitan dan masalah dalam jahitan dapat juga diselesaikan.
Selagi kita melakukan proses pernafasan,
Selagi itu Kita diuji dengan ujian,
Dari sukan, pendidikan dan jahitan,
Pasti ada halangan dan dugaan,
Ingat, kitalah sebenarnya jalan penyelesaian.